• Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Name of the Organization You Received Services From
  • Have you received public benefits and/or tax services in the past?
  • Would you prefer to tell us your story over the phone? Click yes and we will give you a call.
  • Would you prefer to remain anonymous? We will still contact you before sharing your story for final approval.
  • Tell us about your experience working with our community partner(s).
  • Were you able to successfully apply and receive benefits or services? If so, what programs?
  • How is accessing benefits and services impacting your life?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share about our community partners or what it's like to apply for benefits and services in Philadelphia?
  • Optional: are there any pictures that would help us tell your story?
    Max. file size: 50 MB.

By submitting this form, you agree and confirm that: You give The Promise permission to share your story, or part of it. If The Promise shares your story, it may appear in public. Thank you for taking the time to support this program.